Results for 'Waddah N. Nasr'

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  1.  35
    On the proper function of the moral philosopher: Kant and Rawls on theory and practice.Waddah N. Nasr - 1992 - Metaphilosophy 23 (1-2):172-179.
  2. John Rawls' Arguments for the Feasibility of His Theory of Justice: A Study of the Relationships Between Normative and Empirical Considerationsin Accounts of the Nature of Moral and Political Obligation.Waddah Nassim Nasr - 1975 - Dissertation, University of Minnesota
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    Maʻrifat-i jāvidān: majmūʻah-i maqālāt-i Duktur Sayyid Ḥusayn Naṣr.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 2007 - Tihrān: Mihr-i Niyūshā. Edited by Ḥasan Ḥusaynī.
  4. (1 other version)Maʻārif-i Islāmī dar jahān-i muʻāṣir.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1970 - Tihrān: Shirkat-i Sahāmī-i Kitābhā-yi Jībī bā hamkārī-i Muʼassasah-ʼi Intishārāt-i Firānklīn.
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    An introduction to Islamic cosmological doctrines: conceptions of nature and methods used for its study by the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā', al-Bīrūni, and Ibn Sīnā.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1978 - [London]: Thames & Hudson.
    Conceptins of nature and methods used for its study by the Ikwan al-Safa; al-Biruni, and Ibn Sina. Bibliography: p. 287.308. Includes index.
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  6. Naẓar-i mutafakkirān-i Islāmī dar bārah-ʼi ṭabīʻat.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1981 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Khvārizmī.
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    Dar just va jū-yi amr-i qudsī: guft va gū-yi Rāmīn Jahānbiglū bā Sayyid Ḥusayn Naṣr.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 2006 - Tihrān: Nashr-i Nay. Edited by Ramin Jahanbegloo & Muṣṭafá Shahrʹāyīnī.
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  8. Naẓar-i mutafakkirān-i Islāmī dar bārah-ʼi ṭabīʻat: khulāṣahʹī az ārāʼ-i Ikhvān-i Ṣafā va Bīrūnī va Ibn Sīnā rājiʻ bi-jahān.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1964 - Tihrān: Dānishgāh-i Tihrān.
  9. Āshnāʼī bā Mullā Ṣadrā dar maghribʹzamīn.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1961 - Ṭihrān: Dānishkadah-ʼi ʻulūm-i maʻqūl va manqūl.
  10. Maʻārif-i Islāmī dar jahān-i muʻāṣir.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1974 - Tihrān: Shirkat-i Sahāmī-i Kitābhā-yi Jaybī, bā hamkārī-i Muʼassasah-ʼi Intishārāt-i Frānklīn.
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    ʻĀrifī dar ghurbat-i gharbīyah: guftugūʹhāyī bā duktur Sayyid Ḥusayn Naṣr.Manūchihr Dīnʹparast - 2021 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Iṭṭilāʻāt.
    Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. ; Islamic philosophy. ; Muslim philosophers -- Iran.
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    Sayyid Ḥusayn Naṣr, dilbākhtah-yi maʻnavīyat.Manūchihr Dīnʹparast - 2004 - Tihrān: Kavīr.
    Criticism and interpretation of Seyyed Hossein Nasr, an Iranian philosopher and scholar.
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    La musique arabe Tome 1. Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger, Al-Fārābī, Abū N-Naṣr Muḥammad Ibn Muḥammad Ibn Tarkhān Ibn Uzlagh.George Sarton - 1933 - Isis 20 (1):280-283.
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    The book of metaphysical penetrations: a parallel English-Arabic text.Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī & Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm - 2014 - Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press. Edited by Seyyed Hossein Nasr & İbrahim Kalın.
    Mulla Sadra (ca. 1572-1640) is one of the most prominent figures of post-Avicennan Islamic philosophy and among the most important philosophers of Safavid Persia. He was a prolific writer whose work advanced the fields of intellectual and religious science in Islamic philosophy, but arguably his most important contribution to Islamic philosophy is in the study of existence (wujud) and its application to such areas as cosmology, epistemology, psychology, and eschatology. Sadra represents a paradigm shift from the Aristotelian metaphysics of fixed (...)
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    Iḥṣa' al-`ulūm. . Abu Nasr al-Fārābī, Uthm'n Muḥammad Amīn.George Sarton - 1933 - Isis 19 (1):201-203.
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    Ahlakın Kaynağı Bağlamında Bir Değer Olarak Aile: Nasiruddin Tusi Merkezli Bir Analiz.Anar Qafarov - 2021 - Metafizika 4 (1):7-25.
    The family is one of the most important social institutions created by social re¬lations. Nasr Ad-Din Tusi's discussion on the concept of the family in his book “Akh¬laqi-Nasiri” and his views on the necessity of this institution, are of great im¬por¬tance in the sense that man is a cultural being by nature. Because the family is a door that opens from the individual to society. Tusi's conception of the family is not based on the need to satisfy sexual desi¬res, (...)
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  17.  44
    ABD’deki İslam ve İslam Felsefesi Çalışmalarına Genel Bir Bakış.Yunus Kaplan - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):563-579.
    Sahip olduğu akademik imkânların ve başta İngilizce olmak üzere birçok dilde uluslararası yayınların çokluğu nedeniyle Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ndeki İslam çalışmaları yoğun, üretken ve dünya genelinde ilgiyle takip edilen bir alandır. Ancak Batı’daki üniversitelerin genelinde olduğu gibi Amerikan üniversitelerinde de İslam felsefesi/tarihi çalışmaları oldukça zayıftır. Bu makalede öncelikle geçmişten günümüze İslam çalışmalarının ABD’deki durumu tasviri bir metotla ortaya konulmakta ve İslam Felsefesinin ABD’deki İslam çalışmaları içerisindeki zayıf konumu sorgulanmaktadır. İkinci olarak Post-Oryantalist süreçte İslam Felsefesi çalışmalarında öne çıkan isimler ve çalışmaları değerlendirilmektedir. (...)
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    al-Riyāḍ al-Khazʻalīyah fī al-siyāsah al-insānīyah.Khazʻal Khān - 2013 - Bayrūt: al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-Mawsūʻāt.
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    It's About Time: Understanding Einstein's Relativity.N. David Mermin - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    "--Brian Greene, Columbia University "This book includes material that is intellectually innovative and comes as a surprise even to specialists in the field.
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  20. Iṣlāḥullisān.Sult̤ān Nigāh - 2012 - Citrāl: Iḥsān Kitāb Maḥal.
    On the importance of good deeds in Islam.
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  21. al-Madkhal lil-ʻulūm al-qānūnīyah: wa-sharḥ al-bāb al-tamhīdī min al-taqnīn al-madanī.Sulaymān Murqus - 1961 - al-Qāhirah: Sulaymān Murqus.
    qism 1. Fī al-qānūn. al-Ṭabʻah 5., mazīdah wa-munaqqaḥah wafqan lil-qawānīn al-jadīdah, 1966 -- qism 2. Fī al-ḥuqūq. al-Ṭabʻah 4., mazīdah wa-munaqqaḥah wafqan lil-qawānīn al-jadīdah, 1961.
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  22. Andrés López de Medrano, ilustración y hermenéutica.Román García Fernández - 2015 - In Artidiello Moreno, M. Mabel & Julio Minaya (eds.), Memoria del bicentenario de la Lógica de Andrés López de Medrano. Santo Domingo: Ministerio de Cultura.
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  23. Las evidencias del yo puro : una interpretación desde Ideas I.Hernán Alonso Jaramillo Fernández - 2013 - In Germán Vargas Guillén (ed.), La región de lo espiritual en el centenario de la publicación de Ideas I de E. Husserl. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.
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    المقدمة.Ibn Khaldūn - 2005 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ: Khizānat Ibn Khaldūn, Bayt al-Funūn wa-al-ʻUlūm wa-al-Ādāb. Edited by Abdesselam Cheddadi.
  25.  46
    Evidence and Assurance.N. M. L. Nathan - 1980 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A systematic study of rational or justified belief, which throws fresh light on current debates about foundations and coherence theories of knowledge, the validation of induction and moral scepticism. Dr Nathan focuses attention on the largely unsatisfiable desires for active and self-conscious assurance of truth liable to be engendered by philosophical reflection about total belief-systems and the sources of knowledge. He extracts a kernel of truth from the doctrine that a regress of justification is both necessary and impossible, contrasts the (...)
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    Essay: Break the Silence.N. Abedini - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (1):95-96.
    The author recounts major personal and moral tensions that arose during an 11-month period living in Ghana and shares how she has since learned to reconcile those tensions.
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  27. Sobre la posibilidad de formular estándares de prueba objetivos.Marina Gascón Abellán - 2018 - In Carmen Vázquez Rojas (ed.), Hechos y razonamiento probatorio. [Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo]: Editorial CEJI.
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  28. (1 other version)Mīmāṁsā-paribhāṣā of Kr̥ṣṇa Yajvan. Kr̥ṣṇayajva - 1987 - Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama. Edited by Madhavananda.
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  29. (2 other versions)Freedom of Will.N. Lossky - 1933 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 40 (1):10-10.
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  30. Introduction: Moral Sentimentalism: Context and Critique.N. Roughley & T. Schramme - 2015 - In Neil Roughley & T. Schramme (eds.), On Moral Sentimentalism. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 1-18.
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    Perspectivas y horizontes de la filosofía de la ciencia en México.Cárdenas Carrión, Blanca María, Martínez Ordaz, María del Rosario, López Retana & Erik Alejandro (eds.) - 2022 - Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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  32.  36
    Respecting rights … to death.N. Levy - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (10):608-611.
    Ravelingien et al1 argue that, given the restrictions that must be imposed on recipients of xenotransplanted organs, we should conduct clinical trials of xenotransplantation only on patients in a persistent vegetative state. I argue that there is no ethical barrier to using terminally ill patients instead. Such patients can choose to waive their rights to the liberties that xenotransplantation would probably restrict; it is surely rational to prefer to waive your rights rather than to die, and permissible to allow patients (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Zur Methode der Philosophiegeschichte.N. Hartmann - 1910 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 15:459.
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  34. Knowledge restructuring in the life sciences: A longitudinal study of conceptual change in biology.N. Renee Pearsall, Jo El J. Skipper & Joel J. Mintzes - 1997 - Science Education 81 (2):193-215.
  35. Defeasibility and legality : a survey.Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Giovanni Battista Ratti - 2012 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Giovanni Battista Ratti (eds.), The Logic of Legal Requirements: Essays on Defeasibility. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
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  36. Tower of Babel: The Evidence against the New Creationism. By Robert T. Pennock.N. Gray - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (6):840-841.
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  37. The Transformation of Natural Philosophy: The Case of Philip Melanchthon. By Sachiko Kusukawa.N. Gray - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:108-108.
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  38.  9
    Argumente für eine Psychologie des Reflexiven Subjekts: Paradigmawechsel vom behavioralen zum epistemologischen Menschenbild.N. Groeben & B. Scheele - 1977 - Darmstadt: Steinkopff. Edited by Brigitte Scheele.
    Die Herrschaft des Behaviorismus in der Psychologie ist gebrochen! Das ist die Ausgangsthese dieses Buches, die im Rahmen des Modells revolutionärer Wissenschaftsentwicklung (Kuhn) als Behauptung eines Paradigmawechsels präzisiert wird. Die Argumentation beschränkt sich nicht nur auf den Nachweis des Niedergangs des Behaviorismus, sondern gibt auch konstruktiv das mögliche neue Paradigma an: als Psychologie des reflexiven Subjekts, das wie der Wissenschaftler (subjektive) Theorien aufstellt, überprüft, bewertet. Der Aufriss einer solchen Psychologie des epistemischen Subjekts unter allgemein-, sozial-, pädagogisch- und klinisch-psychologischem Aspekt thematisiert (...)
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  39. Investing in the Balkans: facts and figures focusing on the economies in a sensitive area.N. Hios - 1999 - Hermes 35.
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  40. Bodily logos: James, Nishida, and Merleau-Ponty.N. Kazashi - 1999 - In Olkowski And Morely (ed.), Merleau-Ponty: Interiority and Exteriority, Psychic Life and the World. Suny Press. pp. 121--134.
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    Early Printed Editions of Confessio Amantis.N. F. Blake - 1990 - Mediaevalia 16:289-306.
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  42. Proceso a los medios informativos.N. Blazquez - 1990 - Studium 30 (2):231-279.
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  43.  8
    España siglo XX: recuerdos de observador atento.García Borrón & Juan Carlos - 2004 - Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal.
    Este libro presenta más de medio siglo de la historia de España a través de los ojos de un espectador lúcido y atento que nunca ha sido extraño a su propia época. Es un testimonio vital de un gran historiador de la filosofía y un documento valioso para entender algunos aspectos de la historia del pensamiento español y de la evolución de la enseñanza en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Índice: Prólogo, por Horacio Capel.- Preámbulo.- Infancia y orígenes.- Guerra (...)
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    Filosofía y ciencia: historia del pensamiento racional.García Borrón & Juan Carlos - 1971 - Barcelona: Teide.
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    The saint, the criminal and the terrorist: Towards a hypothesis on terrorism.Jakob Roover S. N. Balagangadhardea - 2010 - Journal of Political Philosophy 18 (1):1-15.
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  46. Reduction of semantic priming from inclusion of physically or nominally related prime-target pairs.N. Snow & J. H. Neely - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):335-335.
  47. Ch'oe Sŏng-hwan ŭi Musangdan ŭi kwŏnsŏnsŏ ch'ulp'an kwa t'ongsok yulli ŭi chean.Kim Sŏn-hŭi - 2022 - In Kyŏng-sŏk Kang (ed.), Kaebyŏk ŭi sasangsa: Ch'oe Che-u esŏ Kim Su-yŏng kkaji, munmyŏng chŏnhwan'gi ŭi Han'guk sasang. Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Ch'angbi.
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    Social Character of Artificial Intelligence Technologies.N. V. Danielyan - forthcoming - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace (PhilIT&C).
    The article considers modern transformations of the ideas concerning subject’s cognitive abilities towards object because of the emergence and development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The developments of scientists and engineers from National Research University of Electronic Technology (Moscow, Russia) in the field of artificial intelligence have been taken as a foundation and material of this research. Their analysis allows making a conclusion that the humanity is rather far from the realization of ‘strong artificial intelligence’. We need a qualitative breakthrough (...)
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  49. Solidaritäten zwischen Egoismus und Altruismus.N. Brieskorn - 1999 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 10 (2):200-202.
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    The Aristotelian Tradition: Aristotle's works on logic and metaphysics and their reception in the Middle Ages.Börje Bydén, Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist & Heine Hansen (eds.) - 2017 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
    "The twelve chapters of this volume all began their existence as contributions to workshops held between 2009 and 2011 by a Danish-Swedish research network called The Aristotelian Tradition: The reception of Aristotle's works on logic and metaphysics in the Middle Ages, headquartered in Gothenburg and funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation. Most of them were written by members of the network, some by invited speakers. While the volume amply illustrates the set of scholarly approaches characteristic of the "Copenhagen (...)
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